1. 101 Opening Demo.mp3
  2. 102 One Of A Kind.mp3
  3. 103 EV01 Beginning.mp3
  4. 104 GM01 Chapter Start.mp3
  5. 105 EV02-1 Prologue.mp3
  6. 106 EV02-2 Angel Advent.mp3
  7. 107 Riders Of The Light.mp3
  8. 108 Fly Me To The Moon (Climax Mix).mp3
  9. 109 EV03-1 Enzo and Drive.mp3
  10. 110 EV03-2 Jeanne Enters.mp3
  11. 111 ST01 The Falling Military Transport.mp3
  12. 112 EV04-1 Dance With Jeanne.mp3
  13. 113 EV04-2 Signs of Unrest.mp3
  14. 114 The Gates Of Hell.mp3
  15. 115 EV05 Scarborough Fair Equipped.mp3
  16. 116 ST02 Vigrid Station Home.mp3
  17. 117 Theme Of Bayonetta Mysterious Destiny.mp3
  18. 118 ST03 Vigrid Town Areas.mp3
  19. 119 EV06-1 Angel Advent B.mp3
  20. 120 EV06-2 Bayonetta Preparing for Battle A.mp3
  21. 121 The Heavies.mp3
  22. 122 Demonic Beast Summon.mp3
  23. 123 Fortitudo In Labors And Dangers (Movement 1).mp3
  24. 124 GM02 Chapter Clear.mp3
  25. 125 EV07-1 Jeanne Bike Action.mp3
  26. 126 EV07-2 Conversation with Jeanne.mp3
  27. 127 EV07-3 In the Shambles Inside the Memories A.mp3
  28. 128 Battle For The Umbra Throne.mp3
  29. 129 EV08 Angel Advent C.mp3
  30. 130 EV09 Luka Enters.mp3
  31. 131 EV09-2 Conversation with Luka A.mp3
  32. 132 EV09-3 Conversation with Luka B.mp3
  33. 133 EV09-4 Angel Advent D.mp3
  34. 134 EV09-5 Bayonetta Preparing for Battle B.mp3
  35. 135 Pinch!.mp3
  36. 136 EV10-1 Mysterious Girl Cereza Enters.mp3
  37. 137 EV10-2 Fortitudo Appears.mp3
  38. 138 EV11 Conversation with Fortitudo.mp3
  39. 201 ST04 Town Areas Swallowed by Lava.mp3
  40. 202 EV12-1 A Close Call!.mp3
  41. 203 EV12-2 Action!.mp3
  42. 204 ST05 Underground Cave.mp3
  43. 205 Paradiso - Paradise of Light.mp3
  44. 206 God's Voice A.mp3
  45. 207 God's Voice B.mp3
  46. 208 EV13 Fortitudo Again.mp3
  47. 209 Fortitudo In Labors And Dangers.mp3
  48. 210 Climatic Battle.mp3
  49. 211 Let's Hit The Climax!.mp3
  50. 212 ST06 Moonlit Valley.mp3
  51. 213 EV14-1 Confrontation with Jeanne A.mp3
  52. 214 EV14-2 Confrontation with Jeanne B.mp3
  53. 215 Red & Black.mp3
  54. 216 ST07 The Witches's Forge.mp3
  55. 217 EV15 Cereza.mp3
  56. 218 First Love.mp3
  57. 219 Broken Heart.mp3
  58. 220 EV16 Sexy Battle.mp3
  59. 221 EV17 Deceitful.mp3
  60. 222 EV18 Temperantia Enters.mp3
  61. 223 Temperantia - In Foregoing Pleasures.mp3
  62. 224 Splash Wave (‡ Climax Mix).mp3
  63. 225 After Burner (‡ Climax Mix).mp3
  64. 226 Magnificent 7 (‡ Climax Mix).mp3
  65. 301 ST08 Paradiso - Graveyard of the Memories of Time.mp3
  66. 302 EV19-1 In the Shambles Inside the Memories B.mp3
  67. 303 EV19-2 In the Shambles Inside the Memories, Assault.mp3
  68. 304 ST09 Paradiso - Star Ocean.mp3
  69. 305 EV20 Luka Glances Bayonetta's Battle.mp3
  70. 306 EV21-1 Iustitia Enters AEnters.mp3
  71. 307 EV21-2 Luka's Delusion A.mp3
  72. 308 EV21-3 Iustitia Enters B.mp3
  73. 309 EV21-4 Iustitia Enters C.mp3
  74. 310 Iustitia In Giving Every Man His Due.mp3
  75. 311 EV22-1 At the Airport, Talking with Luka A.mp3
  76. 312 EV22-2 Eyes of the World.mp3
  77. 313 EV22-3 At the Airport, Talking with Luka B.mp3
  78. 314 EV22-4 At the Airport, Assault.mp3
  79. 315 ST10 Giant Military Transport, Valkyria.mp3
  80. 316 EV23-1 Confrontation with Jeanne C.mp3
  81. 317 EV23-2 The Falling Valkyria.mp3
  82. 318 ST11 Save Cereza!.mp3
  83. 319 EV24-1 Sapientia Enters A.mp3
  84. 320 EV24-2 Sapientia Enters B.mp3
  85. 321 Sapientia - In The Choice Between Good And Evil.mp3
  86. 322 EV25 LUka's Delusion B.mp3
  87. 323 Space Harrier (‡ Climax Mix).mp3
  88. 324 Wiwi Jumbo (Heaven Sent Mix).mp3
  89. 325 EV26-1 Before the Final Battle with Jeanne A.mp3
  90. 326 EV26-2 Before the Final Battle with Jeanne B.mp3
  91. 327 EV26-3 Before the Final Battle with Jeanne C.mp3
  92. 328 Blood & Darkness.mp3
  93. 329 EV27-1 Jeanne A.mp3
  94. 330 EV27-2 Truth.mp3
  95. 331 EV27-3 Jeanne B.mp3
  96. 332 EV27-4 Miraculous Revival!.mp3
  97. 333 EV27-5 Bayonetta and Luka.mp3
  98. 401 EV28 To Isabel Building.mp3
  99. 402 ST12 Isabel Building - Lower Floors.mp3
  100. 403 ST13 Isabel Building - Upper Floors.mp3
  101. 404 EV29-1 Talking with Balder A.mp3
  102. 405 EV29-2 Talking with Balder B.mp3
  103. 406 EV29-3 Talking with Balder C.mp3
  104. 407 EV29-4 Talking with Balder D.mp3
  105. 408 EV29-5 EV29-5 Luka, Deceased.mp3
  106. 409 EV29-6 Balder.mp3
  107. 410 You May Call Me Father.mp3
  108. 411 EV30-1 The Journey Ends.mp3
  109. 412 EV30-2 Bayonetta Captured by the Statue of God.mp3
  110. 413 EV31-1 Jeanne - To the Space A.mp3
  111. 414 EV31-2 Jeanne - To the Space B.mp3
  112. 415 Friend.mp3
  113. 416 EV23 Jeanne, Deceased.mp3
  114. 417 The Greatest Jubilee.mp3
  115. 418 EV33 Staff Roll....mp3
  116. 419 EV34 Luka Admires the Night Sky.mp3
  117. 420 EV35-1 Epilogue.mp3
  118. 421 EV35-2 Romance.mp3
  119. 422 Let's Dance, BoysI.mp3
  120. 423 Fly Me To The Moon.mp3
  121. 424 Memory.mp3
  122. 501 Magical Sound Shower Out Run.mp3
  123. 502 Splash Wave Out Run.mp3
  124. 503 After Burner After Burner.mp3
  125. 504 After Burner After Burner ‡U.mp3
  126. 505 After Burner With Melody Ver. After Burner ‡U.mp3
  127. 506 Boss Fantasy Zone.mp3
  128. 507 Theme Space Harrier.mp3
  129. 508 GM03 Angel Attack.mp3
  130. 509 GM04 Verse Result Jingle.mp3
  131. 510 GM05 Silver Medal Acquisition Jingle.mp3
  132. 511 GM06 Gold Medal Acquisition.mp3
  133. 512 GM07 Platinum Medal Acquisition Jingle.mp3
  134. 513 Angel's Voice - Military March.mp3
  135. 514 Angel's Voice - Moonlight.mp3
  136. 515 “Angel's Voice - Fantasy Impromptu.mp3
  137. 516 Angel's Voice - Sonata for Two Pianos.mp3
  138. 517 Angel's Voice - Skaters' Waltz.mp3
  139. 518 Angel's Voice - The Ride of the Valkyries.mp3
  140. 519 “Angel's Voice - Hallelujah.mp3
  141. 520 “Angel's Voice - Jupiter.mp3
  142. 521 Angel's Voice - Mars.mp3
  143. 522 2008 Tokyo Game Show Promotion.mp3
  144. 523 Bayonetta Image Song - Prototype A.mp3
  145. 524 Mysterious Destiny - Prototype.mp3
  146. 525 Bayonetta Image Song - Prototype B.mp3
  147. 526 Bayonetta Image Song - Prototype C.mp3
  148. 527 Pinch! - Prototype.mp3
  149. 528 Mysterious Destiny - Retro Version.mp3
  150. 529 One Of A Kind - Retro Version.mp3


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